What is CPA Crane Hire?
Under the terms and conditions of the Construction Plant Hire Association (CPA), the hirer is responsible for providing the necessary and appropriate people to complete the works; it is the hirers responsibility to ensure the crane being hired is suitable for the site and lifts being completed.
Please see the responsibilities for the hirer below to determine if CPA Hire is the best option for you.
- Can you employ a fully qualified CPCS appointed person?
- Do you have company specific method statements & risk assessments to cover all lifting operations?
- Do you hold the appropriate insurance to cover the value of the hired in crane and goods on the hook?
- Do you employ a fully qualified lift supervisor and slinger signaller?
If you answered
'no' to any of the questions above, then a managed
contract lift service is the option for you!
The client must:
- Carry out all work in accordance with BS7121 and LOLER 1998.
- Provide a qualified and competent Appointed Person.
- Provide a qualified and competent Slinger/Signaller and Crane Supervisor.
- Plan the lift and operate a safe system of work.
- Provide all Method Statements and Risk Assessments.
- Ensure that the crane hired is of a suitable type and capacity.
- Check the credentials of the crane hire company and certification supplied.
In addition, under standard CPA terms, the client must provide the following insurance cover:
- Loss of, or damage to, our plant whilst on site.
- Loss of, or damage to, the goods being lifted.
- Continuing hire charges whilst the plant is ‘off the road’ for repairs following damage.
- Public liability, injury to operator, injury to other parties, including their property, arising from the crane operations.
BOA Plant has a duty to:
- Provide a crane that is properly maintained, tested and certificated.
- Provide a qualified and competent Crane Operator.